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Bitcoin: Add Cryptocurrencies to the List of Assets to Search

It may all come crashing down, but if it doesn’t the cryptocurrency market is your newest headache in trying to find hidden assets. Long written off by many as a joke, cryptocurrencies are still dismissed by many as a bubble waiting to burst.…

Follow Him! Why Surveillance Isn’t Always the Best Option

It’s often the first idea people have when they want to know what their spouse is up to.: Surveillance. We are not usually in the business of following people around to prove infidelity, but will bring in experienced surveillance personnel…

Asset Investigations and Due Diligence: Your Lawyer Helps Maintain Secrecy

In the past month, two divorcing clients contacted us and wanted asset searches performed without signing up us through their divorce lawyers. Here is the advice we gave them, as we give all our clients: “Sign us up through your lawyer. If…
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Divorce and Your Money Podcast: My Interview

I was interviewed at length today for the #1 podcast on divorce planning, Divorce and Your Money. Among the detailed points covered: How asset searches work. How we take information from our clients. How investigation compliments legal…
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The Offshore Assets Play Book

Clients come to us all the time with the suspicion that their spouse has stashed assets offshore. The problem is that they are not sure where. If there is one thing that is as difficult as getting money returned from an overseas location, it…
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The Difference Between Fact Checking and Asset Searching

A fascinating interview with the chief fact checker for The New Yorker in the Columbia Journalism Review here got us thinking about the distinction between checking the veracity of facts and finding new ones. Our firm does both, dealing mostly…
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GPS Trackers: Powerful but Often Illegal

GPS trackers are among the hottest topics in ethics discussions today. At least, that is my impression after a series of ethics lectures I’ve given around the country based on my book, The Art of Fact Investigation. We wrote three years…
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When Spying on Your Spouse’s Computer Turns into Wiretapping

One of the most powerful tools a spouse had to monitor assets or other activities is to look at the shared computer of the spouse under investigation. We have written before in When You’re Allowed to Look Through Your Debtor’s Computers…
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Offshore Asset Search? Start with Onshore

Clients always want to know what’s involved in searching offshore for hidden assets. Our usual answer is, “time and a lot more money than it’s probably worth, unless you’re looking for millions of dollars.” Suddeutsche Zeitung, one…
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How Investigation Helps Forensic Accountants

What’s wrong with using a forensic accountant in your hunt for a spouse’s hidden assets? Nothing, provided you hand that accountant all the pertinent information you can. We’ve mentioned the need for these professionals frequently on our…