Tag Archive for: business valuation

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Valuing Private Companies in Divorce

The toughest nut to crack in many divorce asset searches is the private company. While people always want immediate access to bank accounts (and aren’t allowed to get them without discovery), you can always start to try to figure out what…

The Valuation Hints Are There: Good Financial Investigators Follow Them Up

When people come to us for financial investigations, it’s rare that the information they are seeking is right out in the open. But sometimes, the values are not very far under the surface. When the hints are there,  it can be a matter of…
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Three Men, One Wife: husband’s business partners sued in “dirty soap opera” divorce

In an unusual move for a divorce case, a Queens judge added Benny Tal’s business partners as defendants in Benny’s divorce action because the three men had colluded to hide Benny’s assets from his wife Michal.  As Michal told the New…