Tag Archive for: asset investigation

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Surprise! Google is There to Make Money

A story in the Wall Street Journal Google Uses Its Search Engine to Hawk Its Products serves as a useful reminder for something we tell clients all the time: Google is there to make money, and if your ideal search result won’t make them money,…
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Brexit’s Prediction Lesson for Investigators

What lesson does the Brexit vote hold for anyone conducting or contemplating fact investigation? Don’t let confirmation bias muddy your thinking. One of the key “Investigator’s Enemies” identified in my book, The Art of Fact Investigation,…

The First Mistake was Calling it a Science

There is a sad piece in the Wall Street Journal today about the demise of librarians and university programs in library science, In the Age of Google, Librarians Get Shelved. People trained to run computers do not have the training to gather…
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Hawala: Red Flags for Detecting the World’s Oldest Form of Money Laundering

We write (and tell our clients) consistently about how difficult it is to obtain the bank account information of litigation opponents without first getting a court order.  There are people out there who will charge you to trick banks into…

A Boon for Investigators We’d Happily Live Without

We’ve written plenty before about Europe’s “Right to be Forgotten,” under which governments tell Google and other search engines to take down links to legal, public documents that are deemed embarrassing or inconvenient…

2 Reasons Undercover Investigations Aren’t Right for You

The big heavy breathing lead story in the Sunday New York Times this week was about the increasing number of government agencies using undercover operations to detect law breakers of all kinds. The Small Business Administration, the IRS, even…